• Pharmacy Benefits Manager Complaint Form

    To mail, please send to: Pharmacy Benefit Manager Program Coordinator, 6200 Uptown Blvd. NE, Suite 400, Albuquerque, NM 87110.
  • Pharmacy Information x

  • PBM Information

  • Type of Issue

    Please describe the issue in detail. Please include reference to the statute or rule the PBM allegedly violated. For reference, the Pharmacy Benefit Manager Regulation Act is at Section 59A-61-1 et seq., NMSA 1978 and the corresponding rule is at 13.10.30 NMAC. Complaints shall be based on a rule or statute enforced by the New Mexico Office of the Superintendent of Insurance
  • Max. file size: 8 GB.
    Choose file
  • The information contained within is confidential and shall not be disclosed or otherwise provided to anyone not a party to the complaint except the Office of the Superintendent of Insurance. .